
As I am sipping on a hot cup of coffee,trying to relax and enjoy its aroma, a strange thought dominates my senses. The thought of my friend’s Ex who gifted this tall bottle of coffee to her. She is not much of a coffee drinker , so she gave it to me and I accepted it willingly. I never thought this bottle carried more flavor than just that of coffee beans. The memories just keep splashing on me with every sip I take and there is no way to escape. I must admit that I did not even try to brush those memories away. In fact, I relished its taste and odor more because of the fact that every drop was pregnant with sweet remembrances. The thought from one ex moves towards all the other exes in me and my close friends’ lives, Its because I have a microscopic view of only these lives; so I can’t blame myself for intertwining our lives in my thoughts every now and then.
 Anyway, strangely, as bitter as the break-ups might have been in those days, its absolutely a sweet memory now. We always remember the good times and the bad times take the face of a clown and become funny. I have begun to re-realize that all the dead-end problems we seem to be facing now will become clowns in future and give us a laugh attack. Wow, I feel good at looking life in this light. All thanks to the coffee bottle. I got my message in a bottle.

We all are so busy looking for our special message in a bottle that we fail to realize that there is a message in every bottle. I mean we are constantly in search of this true love thing and on the way we don’t understand that every love is true in its own way. Every love is engraved on our heart with different colour  to make a beautiful picture that enriches our memories and thus our lives.

As I sip on this coffee which is going to remain in my nerves forever in any form, I appreciate love in every scheme, style and profile. So, Love is like coffee which awakens your senses and deaden your tenses.


Toshi Mishra said…
Every love is true in its own way.... Lovely line...
Beautifully written..:)
nehajha said…
The coffee and its aroma has several times been written and spoken about...but not in this beautiful manner. Loved the way you swayed from one thought to other...!
Felt like reading a para from some writer's diary...
Ragini Patel said…
Hi Nishi,
I happen to get to you blog when Neha connected with me on my blog.. So its a round world. I loved the line - The bitter break ups of yesterday become sweet memory of today. It touched my heart and I think it happens only with those who evolve in soul.

Pleasing write up. Keep it up

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