I can never thank you enough
For gracing my life with your presence
Even though it was awfully brief......
It is just enough to
Keep me alive and love my life!
I can never thank you enough
For giving me the privilege to gaze into your eyes
I am still intoxicated by its magic
From that instant, nothing in life seems tragic!
I was completely besotted by your aura
And smitten by your charisma.
I love to breathe in this exquisite air
Because it is the same atmosphere that you share!

I can never thank you enough
For giving me the memories
Those are indebted by your divine presence
I have framed them on my heart's wall
And nothing dares to cross it all.
So, my heart remains uninhabited
Only your memoirs widespread
I love to live that way
Because I know no other way!

I am mesmerized by the moon coz it seems to be
Lightened up by your reflection
I am fond of the nature
Coz it carries your favourite colour
I just adore the wonderful clouds
Coz some of the lucky ones will fall down
As raindrops on you and become immortal.
I love the sun coz it brightens up your day
I love the sky coz it lovingly bows down on you!

I can never thank you enough
For making this world so perfect
No matter how far you are
The distance seems like an illusion
I am so full of you
Everything else seems so trivial.
I love to love everything about this world
That contains you.......
And I can never thank you enough
For all that I owe you!

I can never thank you enough
For inspiring me to love all
For being a part of this world
And making me whole !!!


Toshi Mishra said…
Awesomely Beautiful... Third para is too good.. All in all truly a great one. :)
Monu Awalla said…
truly, we all owe to the world for what it has given to us..
each & every para, for me, is a catch as I have an inclination towards the same.. awesome..keep going..:)
nehajha said…
Oh My God! Awesome...so much full of love, emotions, faith, hope and what not! With each para I was entering into a beautiful world...

"I just adore the wonderful clouds
Coz some of the lucky ones will fall down...As raindrops on you and become immortal."...
....these were the best lines...

Keep writing...
AutismOnABudget said…
Wonderful. Poetry in motion. All of those things come to mind when I read your work. Thank you!
Nishi said…
Thanks all.... for your sweet comments:)
The Poet said…
So much to be thankful for. A beautiful write. Thanks for sharing.
Monu Awalla said…
Hey Nishi Join the blogger's group on facebook.. u can make genuine friends there.. come & join us all.. :)
skm said…
A great tribute to the creator for his wonderful creation which never ceases to wonder:)
Komal Kelkar said…
Very nice poem. Especially the 4th n last para.. too good. Just keep writing.

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