
Showing posts from December, 2006


Every now and then Your image floats in my mind As silvery clouds crosses sky And leaves my eyes raining!!! Every day and night You image enters my soul Like a honeyed stabbing sword And I lose my heart forever!! Your luminous image in rainbow colors Curves my existence From earth to sky And the two worlds meet Through me… The sense of your presence Makes me senseless And when I come back to my senses I find that… That miraculous image Was just a mirage… It was just a mirage!!


Life seemed to be meaningless Like an unknown language Very strange…. I wandered directionless Searching for a direction And I never realized I was trapped in the circle of My own destiny! My thirst for peace of mind Left me more muzzy and messy And the showers of fortune Left me completely dry! No dew rested on my leaf No color kissed my flower And the plant of my life Was just lifeless! My useless, lifeless life Had no mission Until the day I got your vision!!!


Sparkle in your eyes Vivacity to mesmerize Hazy as the skies Radiance does hypnotize! A sweet glance of yours Enters my soul’s doors I can read the song Of your silent voice! What makes me fall and rise Is a pair of bewitching eyes That has charmed me wholly And fascinated me completely! I can neither solve nor define This clear puzzle of mine It gives both pleasure and pain It’s unpleasant, yet fine! You are my passion You are my obsession Do you realize- The magic in your eyes!


Are you traveling in the right bus? Are you living with a purpose? Life is easy but living is tough Goals are good but roads are rough! Would you face hurdles or make a fuss? Are you traveling in the right bus? Do you heal the souls in pain? And help those who fall in rain? If you are busy and always rush- Are you living with a purpose? Plants make the world greener Birds make the world sweeter; We can try something better- Just by living with a purpose And traveling in the right bus!


I can’t do this stuff I am not good enough! How many times have you Said this to yourself And left something undone On the life’s shelf? Thinking may be all right But believing is a sorry plight. Coz nobody is always wrong And nobody is always right. So get up and start today Complete everything unfinished Before it is too late And time is diminished. A flame can overcome The darkest of dark Why not give a try And make a fresh start. So get up every morning And repeat this slogan- “I know life is tough But I am good enough To begin and complete All the necessary stuff!”


You can blow out the sun Only if you have... Enough air in your lungs! You can become a star Only if you have... Enough fire in your belly! You can cross any mountain Only if you have... Enough courage to climb! You can fathom any ocean Only if you have... Enough depth in your vision! You can become human Only if you have... Enough love for everyone! You can become God Only if you have... Enough of everything!


Between life and death Between despair and faith Between calmness and rage We live life on the edge. Fear of a sudden push Or fright of a fall Disappearance of the ground And loss of sky above all Souls trapped in bodily cage We live life on the edge. Between the gaze of infants And haze of adults Between forgiving to forget And counting the faults Let us take a pledge About living life on the edge. Between every step and pause There will be a positive cause Between every climb and fall We’ll laugh away the loss Between being selfish and sage We will live life on the edge.


Listening to the breeze Talking to the trees Walking up to the sky Caressing waves of seas Loving neighbors of my country That’s my world, my poetry. Thanking God, never complaining Smiling at doctors, when ailing Consoling strangers in pain Sharing umbrella, when raining Love and humanity without boundary That’s my world, my poetry. Convincing the old, they are precious Holding hand when friends are furious Surviving troubles and tests of time And still believing, life is joyous Purifying hearts from adultery That’s my world, my poetry. If my words made you smile Hold that thought for a while Coz my purpose is solved Inside you, a new poetry evolved!