A Guiding Star!

Today, as I lie down on my death bed

I try to rewind my life in my head!

A curious childhood....

A rebellious youth....

An eventful middle age...

A near peaceful old age!


But what made it so perfect?

I think again at my life

Frame by frame...

And I find a Name!

Your name...the name responsible

for what I became!

I was thoughtless and lifeless

just animatedly breathing

Then you came into my life

And I started living!

Your flawless face taught me

About the splendour of nature

Your dreamy eyes showed me a dazzling future!

Your sweet voice made me appreciate

The changing tunes of life!

Your catching smile inspired me

To fight all the strife!

Your fleeting glance

gave me a feel of paradise

unknowingly you entered my heart

And I never got down from cloud nine!

Your hands helped me when life knocked me down

Your thoughts wiped away my frown

Your reflection sailed me through failures

I survived holding on to your features

I can never thank you enough for being who you are

And becoming my guiding star!

Today, as I am taking my last breath

A thought crosses my mind track...

Just loving you made my life perfect

What could have happened if you loved me back!!!


nehajha said…
Star....I know what importance it keeps in your life.... :)
Amazing poem...specially the last line which just makes the heart ache....
Toshi Mishra said…
awesome really...
the ending is very touching..

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