
Showing posts from 2013


Maa......It is the first meaningful word I spoke after landing on this planet. Pronouncing this word meant that all my demands would be fulfilled then and there. Just say Ma....and an angel will come running towards us to hold us, soothe us, feed us, cuddle us, love us and give us everything we needed. She is like a super balm that relieves us of all kinds of pain. I reciprocated her love when I was a toddler but soon after I began taking her for granted. I assumed that this angel was bound to fulfill my desires and it was her duty to do so. I began complaining when I didn't get all that I wished for, easily forgetting  that I got everything i needed. As I grew up in my adolescent years, my complains became bitter and I did every possible thing to make my angel’s life miserable. Then, I had to move away from her for higher studies and that made me realize how difficult it is to lead an angel-less life. So, I began to realize my mistakes and tried to understand my angel and b


As I am sipping on a hot cup of coffee,trying to relax and enjoy its aroma, a strange thought dominates my senses. The thought of my friend’s Ex who gifted this tall bottle of coffee to her. She is not much of a coffee drinker , so she gave it to me and I accepted it willingly. I never thought this bottle carried more flavor than just that of coffee beans. The memories just keep splashing on me with every sip I take and there is no way to escape. I must admit that I did not even try to brush those memories away. In fact, I relished its taste and odor more because of the fact that every drop was pregnant with sweet remembrances. The thought from one ex moves towards all the other exes in me and my close friends’ lives, Its because I have a microscopic view of only these lives; so I can’t blame myself for intertwining our lives in my thoughts every now and then.  Anyway, strangely, as bitter as the break-ups might have been in those days, its absolutely a sweet memory now. We always