LOVE ME MORE!!!!!!!!!!

I was born as a daughter
Lovable and innocent as every baby
I loved my parents
My parents loved me back
But for me
Their love was never enough
I always thought
They should understand me more
Talk to me more; take more interest in my interests,
And most important- forgive me more.
So, they should have loved me more!

I became a sister
Dependable and responsible as every elder sibling
I loved my siblings
My siblings loved me back
But for me
Their love was never enough
I always thought
They should share their feelings more
They should follow me more, value me more,
They should never need anybody because
I was there….but they grew apart,
Following their heart……..not me!
That made me so insecure
They should have loved me more!

I became a friend
Caring and fun as every friend can be
I loved my friends
My friends loved me back
But for me
Their love was never enough
I always thought
They should support me more, judge me less
Trust me more and never misunderstand me.
Time passed and nothing remained as before
They should have loved me more.

I became a wife
Gentle and loving as every wife can be
I loved my husband
My husband loved me back
But for me
His love was never enough
I always thought
He should give me more time, more appreciation
Argue less and respect me more
But he made my life such a bore
He should have loved me more!

I became a mother
Doting and devoted as every mother can be
I loved my child
My child loved me back
And strangely………
His love has always been enough!
I want nothing less nothing more from him
Actually I want nothing
Because I find absolute pleasure in just loving him
He is nothing less than perfect.
I have no complains, he is faultless.
His love is so flawless!

Now, I realize the real truth
We think that love is not enough
Because we don’t love enough!
If I loved my parents, siblings, friends, husband enough
Their love would have been enough for me.
My child made me realize this
And now I am sorry for finding fault in my loved ones
I was wrong about love
Love is enough if we know how to give enough love!
So, from now on, I’ll love enough!!!!!!!!


nehajha said…
Totally from the heart...or I must say...the soul...
True in every sense...
I could see you through all the phases as I moved along with the poem...awesome...
Keep writing...

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