You are gone...long ago.....
I know this fact but never accepted it
It is impossible for me
To allow myself to realize the
Rules and limitations of life
How can I?
Even when you are gone.... long ago

Love has never been low!

I saw You dissolving with the horizon
But I am still standing there ......since ages.....
Waiting for you to emerge again

Coz it is said that the earth is round
And one day you will definitely come back!
I don't want you to waste any time searching for me
So, I am still standing there....where you left me...behind you!
Years have passed and I have turned into stone-like
Frozen at my place....eyes fixed on your way!
When you'll return, you'll be amazed at my appearance
You'll be pleased to see that I am admired here
And people in love surround me all the time.
Though you may be shocked to find out my new name.......
People here call me Gateway of India...........
Not their fault.......not mine!
I have become a monument.....with decades of tranquility.
The tears that left my eyes in search of you
Have turned into an ocean....flowing nearby.
Not your fault ......not mine.....
Love can't keep track of time!
It could have been tough...but it was not
For the last smile that you gave me...
The smile of infinite value...
I could do anything for another one.
And the pleasure of day-dreaming about you
Is incomparable to anything....
So, years go by just like flashes!
And one day...when you will complete your journey
And reach where you started
You'll find me right there....for you!
In that moment....all the years of physical separation
Will just evaporate....and a new journey will automatically begin...
Our journey....a journey forever!
Coz no separation is forever
What is love....
Only love is eternal!!!

This love has given me the state of immortality
And to you too!!
So, my'll come back
As sure as day follows night
Coz the vote of heart is always right!
And that day...all the world will know
Who I am and what my name is!
So, until your touch ignites the life in me....
And I get the divine glimpse of my saviour...
Let them call me gateway of India...or whatever!!!!!


nehajha said…
Simply Amazing...I cud never imagine that something of this sort could ever be thought for The Gateway Of India...An out of the world thought...!!!

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